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Community Garden


During the early spring of 2014, a group of young women came up with the idea of designing a community garden that would reside on the church lawn. The garden was blessed during the conclusion of a Sunday morning worship service which has led to an abundance of fresh produce. Almost every Sunday, a variety of fresh produce is available for anyone to take home after worship. The young women who started the garden are also very intentional about making deliveries to some of our local neighbors and homebound members.

Homebound Visitation


The clergy person, as well as many others from the congregation, regularly make a point to visit our homebound members. From home visits to nursing homes, communion is shared with our members who are physically unable to make it to church on their own. With approximately two dozen homebound members, the clergy tries to visit each homebound member between 3-4 times per year. To schedule a more immediate visit for yourself or a family member, please contact the church office.

Blood Drives


One of the easiest ways to give of ourselves is to donate blood. The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center supplies blood locally to Memorial Hospital in Darlington, Wisconsin. Through coordinated blood drives, our congregation helps in this effort. We also attempt to partner with health classes in local high schools, encouraging students who are eighteen years old to come out and donate for the first time.

Heritage Weekend

Our congregation has recently created an event known to us as Heritage Weekend, where we celebrate our history and the building of our church and congregation. We have gather in our two cemeteries for candlelight services to celebrate the saints who have gone before us. The weekend is also full of fellowship, live music and great food. All are welcome to attend!!

Mitten Tree


Prior to Christmas, one of the trees gets decorated extra early. The mitten tree is put up and decorated each week with hats, mittens, scarfs, (and occasionally even winter coats) that are purchased by members of our congregation. The tree usually gets so heavy that it falls over at least once before all the items are removed and donated to a local service agency which then distributes the items to those in need.

© 2025 by Wiota Lutheran Church

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