Wiota Lutheran Church

Contact Us
Contact Us
Wiota Lutheran Church
6650 Highway 78N
South Wayne, WI 53587
(608) 968-3432
Pastor Clayton Faulkner
Email the Pastor: pastor@wiotalutheranchurch.org
Office Secretary - Courtney Bocklund
Email the secretary: office@wiotalutheranchurch.org
Diane Updike and Stephanie Eastwood, accompanists
How to find us
Our mailing address is 6650 Highway 78. Sometimes GPS devices take you elsewhere. If possible, simply enter "Wiota, Wisconsin" into your GPS. The church is located on the east side of town. Look for the big white water tower that says "Wiota."
Congregation Council
Anita Rygh, president
Bill Paige, vice-president
Chaesta Kirchner, secretary
Peg Roddick, treasurer
Sue Beutzer, Connie Bocklund, Mike Kohn, Carla Wick, Carrie Jo Carpenter, Karl Seffrood, Don Seffrood, Steve Wang
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