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Sunday School
The young children in our congregation attend Sunday School before worship services on Sunday. Here, they learn about Bible characters, lessons on Christianity and children's songs. There are select Sundays during the year when the children sing as part of our worship service. They also complete a craft once a month as part of their curriculum. Sunday School takes place during the school year from 9am to 945am at the same church where we worship.
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Confirmation instruction is provided for students in grades 7th and 8th. It's a time for learning some of the Biblical stories of our faith and thinking critically about how those stories apply to our world today. Youth grow in their faith as they come to better understand their place in this world that God has created. We learn about Jesus' love for all people as we talk about forgiveness, grace, and acceptance. Together, we think about what God is calling us to do and be. God loves us for Jesus' sake, and nothing can ever change that.


Confirmation students are strongly encouraged to worship regularly with their families. They are assigned to acolyte on a schedule during Sunday morning worship. Confirmation occurs on Sunday mornings during the academic year.

By the end of their second year in confirmation, students should be able to recite the Lord's Prayer, Apostles' Creed, Ten Commandments, and books of the Bible, as well as give a summary of their faith.

Bible Study

As people of God, learning and understanding our faith is a lifelong process in response to our baptism. We encourage a spirit of friendly dialogue as we seek to understand one another. We are a beautifully diverse congregation, each created differently in God's own image. Our understanding of God comes through our mutual study of scripture, tradition, context, and experience.


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